The end of the journey of me creating this film opening has finally come to a close, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.. and without further ado, here is my film opening:
"The Brave, New Stupid World"
Isabella's Aice Media Blog
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Stupid, Brave New Film Opening!
After these hectic few weeks I have summed up and explained the time and technique I took to create the film opening in my CCR. So here is the link to watch my CCR!
That's a wrap!!
Wow this has been such a crazy journey and you guys have watched it through my blog posts as I navigated through creating this film opening. When I first began, I started out with absolutely no ideas for the plot or ways of execution for this opening; I didn’t even know what genre I wanted to do! I am very happy that my partner and I both agreed that coming of age was the best genre for us to do, and I believe we executed it well.
Looking back at it, I thought this project was never going to be finished, but as I type this I have officially finished my film opening and CCR!! This is a very hands on and direct project that taught me that if I don’t know how to do something I need to do research and attempt it on my own. I wouldn’t think that I would have been able to complete everything I did, this was a truly exceptional, educational experience. Me and my partner Emilia were given ample time to discuss and go over our ideas for our film opening, which initially started as a discussion about doing a thriller until we both decided that we’d much rather do a coming of age film. From there we began brainstorming the type of character we wanted and what we wanted their backstory to be. We ultimately wanted to portray a nice, maybe shy girl, who had just moved in from a new state.
Through the relentless acting, filming, and editing we got very close to our production and character and I am now proud of what we have created. I hope everyone enjoyed my blog posts and getting the chance to join me each week as I tackled different tasks and challenges as they were presented. I hope you enjoy my film opening of The Stupid, Brave New World; thank you for joining me on my stupid, brave new journey!
Sunday, March 28, 2021
so close...
Okk guys welcome back to this blog!! It is nearing the end of the week, and not only that but it is nearing the end of our film making process! This has definitely been quite an experience to remember, and it's not done yet as I still have to put together the CCR and go into more depth about this whole experience and process and show some more fun visual aids so you guys can really see everything that went into this whole process, which was a whole lot!
I can't wait to finally at least finish up this leg of the project and we can see our progress and be proud of what we have made. This has definitely been a fun thing to accomplish and I definitely appreciate everything moving forward with this film, it has been such an incredible, fun experience and working with my partner has just made it a billion times better! I just sent my partner over my voiceovers so as soon as those get added in the film opening will pretty much be complete and we will get to watch it!!
It's insane to think that it's almost over, but as the due date gets closer and closer, it makes it a bit more believable LOL I'm very proud of the progress we both have made and once again, really hope you guys enjoy this film opening as much as we enjoyed making it. Can't wait for the final product, it's almost done!! :)
Saturday, March 27, 2021
So now that we have all the shots for our film, it' just a matter of putting it all together! Emi, my partner sent from heaven, has been editing some of the scenes and trying to put them together smoothly and oh boyy have we been feeling the struggle! We've been editing separately because we wanted to keep meet-ups to a minimum because of, Covid yet again, but as amateur film makers, this is a little hard LOL.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Hey guys and welcome to a blog post for this week!! In our film opening there were some parts that were going to be covered by me doing a voiceover, so when we were filming we didn't cover that or film that part because we didn't need to film me doing the voiceover. So now I have to record those! The voiceover script parts were a bit long and since we weren't really getting to see the characters true facial expression that expressed their emotions, because at this point in the opening the character is in front of their mom and unable to portray their discomfort from facial expressions alone. This meant that I had to say these lines with some emotion in my tone of voice so the audience could hear the annoyance and sarcasm in my voice, along with the funny bits.
This was a pretty task for me because I am a teenage girl so I pretty much live off of sarcasm, so when recording my voiceover parts I said my lines over and over until they began to feel more natural and delivered them in a way that I would normally say it, of course I did embellish when saying some things just to add more to the film and to ensure the audience had a good feeling for the character and the characters voice. I really liked that we added in voice memos because the audience had been able to consistently hear the characters true voice; first when she's alone in front of the mirror talking to herself, and then with the voiceovers.
Once I was finally in a quiet setting I got to record my voice for the voiceovers, and considering I am definitely NO actress, I liked how they turned out though and think it'll help the film. When we finally add it in and you get to see the film I hope you enjoy the voiceover parts and the emotion expressed through it, Thanks for reading this week and hope you enjoy!
This was a pretty task for me because I am a teenage girl so I pretty much live off of sarcasm, so when recording my voiceover parts I said my lines over and over until they began to feel more natural and delivered them in a way that I would normally say it, of course I did embellish when saying some things just to add more to the film and to ensure the audience had a good feeling for the character and the characters voice. I really liked that we added in voice memos because the audience had been able to consistently hear the characters true voice; first when she's alone in front of the mirror talking to herself, and then with the voiceovers.
Once I was finally in a quiet setting I got to record my voice for the voiceovers, and considering I am definitely NO actress, I liked how they turned out though and think it'll help the film. When we finally add it in and you get to see the film I hope you enjoy the voiceover parts and the emotion expressed through it, Thanks for reading this week and hope you enjoy!
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Filming is over!
Hi guys and welcome back to another blog post by me! Filming has officially concluded, and I think we did quite well! I have to admit, it is a bit strange getting used to the COVID stuff and making sure we weren't expanding on any rules, but I believe we were still able to get some really great footage to put together for the opening.
When Emi first arrived at my house we did greetings, then got to work immediately. I showed her the mirror that we would be using and we tried out different angles and heights that we could place the mirror at to ensure that she would be able to film while getting many different shots, without being seen in the mirror. I had to memorize my lines prior to this and remember them and also had to make sure I had the voice I wanted to use when delivering these lines and facial expression and emotion. I am definitely not your typical actress LOL I don't generally act or deliver lines or get filmed traditionally, but we wanted to keep extra people used to a minimum because of COVID restrictions and we wanted to limit our exposure as best as we could. So instead I agreed to play the part of our main character, which we named Isabella because of my name, I chose to practice my lines in the mirror prior to film day because I wanted to be able to see my facial expressions and it helped me to better memorize my lines.
We WERE able to film in front of Cypress as we had wanted to because by the time we had arrived at the school there were still students there and the front gate was still open with the gate guard there. She allowed us to film from the outside, which was perfect because we just needed me to be able to stand in front of the school so we could get the perfect shot of me looking up toward the school. I think our film day went really well and now I can't wait to put all these different shots together and see what our film opening is going to look like!!
Filming is officially over and we have successfully gotten all the shots that we desired in the settings we wanted to acquire it from so we are veryyy excited and happy with what we were able to accomplish during filming!!
Stupid, Brave New Film Opening!
The end of the journey of me creating this film opening has finally come to a close, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating...
Hi guys and welcome back to another blog post by me! Filming has officially concluded, and I think we did quite well! I have to a...
Hey there! It's another blog post day and today you're going to get a very cool sneak peak of what our film opening is going t...
So now that we have all the shots for our film, it' just a matter of putting it all together! Emi, my partner sent from heaven, h...