Sunday, February 14, 2021


Hi, welcome to another post on my blog! Taking inspiration from other films and directors is a vital part of my process as I try to decide what I would like to do with my film. I’ve always been interested in the music and scoring for a movie and its scenes. They have such an impact on how scenes are interpreted by the audience, the feeling and emotions behind a scene can be heightened simply because of the music in the background. I am very excited to organize my scenes and add the music to them; my main concerns will be finding the perfect score for my scenes, but also having to use soundtracks that I have ensured aren’t copyrighted, and if they are I will try my best to reach and gain approval to use the sound.

Another aspect to sounds I am excited to embrace for my project will be the sound effects I use for it. Creating the sound effects and recording them will be fun and give me a chance to be creative and try to get the perfect sound I need for the scene. For some of the more advanced sounds that I can’t simply create will raise issues, but hopefully I will be able to just find the sound somewhere and ensure that it isn’t copyrighted. 

           There are many different elements that are going into this project and creating everything for it will be a long process, but I am looking forward to all of it and believe it will be very fun and exciting!!

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