Sunday, March 28, 2021
so close...
Okk guys welcome back to this blog!! It is nearing the end of the week, and not only that but it is nearing the end of our film making process! This has definitely been quite an experience to remember, and it's not done yet as I still have to put together the CCR and go into more depth about this whole experience and process and show some more fun visual aids so you guys can really see everything that went into this whole process, which was a whole lot!
Saturday, March 27, 2021
So now that we have all the shots for our film, it' just a matter of putting it all together! Emi, my partner sent from heaven, has been editing some of the scenes and trying to put them together smoothly and oh boyy have we been feeling the struggle! We've been editing separately because we wanted to keep meet-ups to a minimum because of, Covid yet again, but as amateur film makers, this is a little hard LOL.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Hey guys and welcome to a blog post for this week!! In our film opening there were some parts that were going to be covered by me doing a voiceover, so when we were filming we didn't cover that or film that part because we didn't need to film me doing the voiceover. So now I have to record those! The voiceover script parts were a bit long and since we weren't really getting to see the characters true facial expression that expressed their emotions, because at this point in the opening the character is in front of their mom and unable to portray their discomfort from facial expressions alone. This meant that I had to say these lines with some emotion in my tone of voice so the audience could hear the annoyance and sarcasm in my voice, along with the funny bits.
This was a pretty task for me because I am a teenage girl so I pretty much live off of sarcasm, so when recording my voiceover parts I said my lines over and over until they began to feel more natural and delivered them in a way that I would normally say it, of course I did embellish when saying some things just to add more to the film and to ensure the audience had a good feeling for the character and the characters voice. I really liked that we added in voice memos because the audience had been able to consistently hear the characters true voice; first when she's alone in front of the mirror talking to herself, and then with the voiceovers.
Once I was finally in a quiet setting I got to record my voice for the voiceovers, and considering I am definitely NO actress, I liked how they turned out though and think it'll help the film. When we finally add it in and you get to see the film I hope you enjoy the voiceover parts and the emotion expressed through it, Thanks for reading this week and hope you enjoy!
This was a pretty task for me because I am a teenage girl so I pretty much live off of sarcasm, so when recording my voiceover parts I said my lines over and over until they began to feel more natural and delivered them in a way that I would normally say it, of course I did embellish when saying some things just to add more to the film and to ensure the audience had a good feeling for the character and the characters voice. I really liked that we added in voice memos because the audience had been able to consistently hear the characters true voice; first when she's alone in front of the mirror talking to herself, and then with the voiceovers.
Once I was finally in a quiet setting I got to record my voice for the voiceovers, and considering I am definitely NO actress, I liked how they turned out though and think it'll help the film. When we finally add it in and you get to see the film I hope you enjoy the voiceover parts and the emotion expressed through it, Thanks for reading this week and hope you enjoy!
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Filming is over!
Hi guys and welcome back to another blog post by me! Filming has officially concluded, and I think we did quite well! I have to admit, it is a bit strange getting used to the COVID stuff and making sure we weren't expanding on any rules, but I believe we were still able to get some really great footage to put together for the opening.
When Emi first arrived at my house we did greetings, then got to work immediately. I showed her the mirror that we would be using and we tried out different angles and heights that we could place the mirror at to ensure that she would be able to film while getting many different shots, without being seen in the mirror. I had to memorize my lines prior to this and remember them and also had to make sure I had the voice I wanted to use when delivering these lines and facial expression and emotion. I am definitely not your typical actress LOL I don't generally act or deliver lines or get filmed traditionally, but we wanted to keep extra people used to a minimum because of COVID restrictions and we wanted to limit our exposure as best as we could. So instead I agreed to play the part of our main character, which we named Isabella because of my name, I chose to practice my lines in the mirror prior to film day because I wanted to be able to see my facial expressions and it helped me to better memorize my lines.
We WERE able to film in front of Cypress as we had wanted to because by the time we had arrived at the school there were still students there and the front gate was still open with the gate guard there. She allowed us to film from the outside, which was perfect because we just needed me to be able to stand in front of the school so we could get the perfect shot of me looking up toward the school. I think our film day went really well and now I can't wait to put all these different shots together and see what our film opening is going to look like!!
Filming is officially over and we have successfully gotten all the shots that we desired in the settings we wanted to acquire it from so we are veryyy excited and happy with what we were able to accomplish during filming!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Night before filming!
Hey guys!! Just wanted to make this post because filming is tomorrow and I am very, VERY excited !! :). Me and my partner have worked out the details as best as we could prior to meeting up, I have picked out my outfit to make it similar to the innocent vibe we want to create for our character; it is a fluffy pink sweater and a white pleated skirt, it reminds me of a modern 'Clueless' type of outfit. It's pretty similar to the outfit inspo board we created previously, which is included in one of my past blog posts if you guys would like to check it out :)
Anywhooo it is very exciting for everything to finally come together, although not everything yet, we still have to work on our CCR script along with this; which we have been working on so we will be able to present a nice oral presentation introducing our thought processes throughout this whole, wild project and it'll display our aspirations and knowledge that we have gained from this experience and trying to make a simple script and idea come to life. I think that's the most exciting part about tomorrow, it's the fact that we are finally going to be able to create something that we have designed from the beginning and, although we did use inspiration from other outside factors and past films we have watched, it is our original thoughts and we get to portray it how we want to!
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Planning to meetup!
So me and my partner have been planning to meet up so we can finally film for our movie opening! We are planning to meet up and film at my house, we chose to film in my room because we wanted to be able to use my room for the film and my mom. As you can see in my previous posts we extended our script a bit to include voiceover and part for a mom to call the daughter downstairs and drive the daughter to school.
Me and my partner both agreed on me playing the part of the main character that the film is centered on. I included my mom and had to introduce the idea that she was going to have to learn and say her lines, along with telling her that she would need to be filmed. This was quite an exciting thing for me to have to do because she is very much the type of person to be a bit to eager about getting to play any part in anything that includes getting recorded. My mom agreed to let us film in the house and agreed to play her small role while driving me to "school".
So we had our characters figured out, then we had to elaborate on materials and costumes we needed in order to shoot the scene. We needed a long mirror so we could show parts of the room to show the teenager's room, but also so we could show off the characters outfit, facial expressions, and dialogue. I was able to get a long mirror from my step sisters room and it is pretty portable so I was able to easily move it into my room and try out different angles to see where we would be able to shoot the scene from the best angles and ensure that the camera couldn't be seen. My partner and I agreed to meet up on the upcoming Thursday, since the timing worked out perfectly for the both of us that day. So now we had, time, characters, and props and extra materials needed figured out.
We lastly put the finishing touches on our thoughts pertaining to where we were going to shoot for our opening. We clearly had already figured out we were doing the beginning of the opening at my house in my room, but we had to then figure out where we were going to go because we had to shoot a shot of the character standing in front of a school. This was a difficult problem we were facing because it wasn't ensured that our usual high school, Cypress Bay, would be open to us on the outside because of the break coming up and COVID restrictions. But we decided that we wanted to still shoot there for our final scene of the opening, and if they did not allow us to then, we would film across the street in the front of the library and make it look like a school setting.
Can't wait to post again soon and possibly be talking about the filming!
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Updated Script!!
So in a previous post I included a potential script for my film opening, but as time has gone one me and my partner wanted to make some adjustments to the script so we could include more dialogue and make it more dynamic. So without further ado here's the updated script...:
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
Friday, March 12, 2021
Wardrobe and itemss
Hey guys welcome back to another blog post as we get closer and closer to being able to film!! So in this post I'm going to discuss a bit about the characters wardrobe and outfit they're going to wear and some items we need in order to film.
So, for the items we need to film and are trying to get is a long mirror for the first scene when our character is trying to get ready. This is a very important prop that we need because without it we will need to film in front of a bathroom mirror, which won't work as well because filming would be immensely more difficult because the mirror would be larger, also we wouldn't really be able to show off the teenage girls room to allow the audience to have a good feeling with the character.
The image above is inspiration and the aimed aesthetic we want for our character to wear. By wearing these light pastel colors and this type of clothing we want our character to be able to convey that she is still innocent and isn't like a bad kid or anything, she's just a teenage girl who is afraid and nervous for the school of new people she is about to meet.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Setting a location
So me and my partner have been trying to gradually and carefully piece together more and more components to finally be able to create our film. One part we are figuring out right now is the location, we want the setting to reflect the life of a typical teenager.
In order to accomplish conveying the idea that we are focusing the film on a teenage girl we will film in areas that look like such. So, we have planned to begin filming in my room, since I am a teenage girl my room will most likely give off the vibes we are aiming to accomplish. Along with my room we will also most likely film in a car and the school, Cypress Bay. The scenes we'd like to include in my room is before the girl is going to school and she is getting ready, she will be getting ready in "her" room in front of a long mirror. We want to accomplish this shot by trying many times and looking up many tutorials in order to succeed in filming this scene without showing the camera in the mirror when the girl is getting ready. We want to get the shots of our character getting ready in front of a mirror because we want the audience to know what she is thinking, and the best way to deliver this is to have our character speak to herself in the mirror. We will show her room in the mirror and through establishing shots before.
We also will include the school and the car as shots for our location. We will have a car shot of our character most likely gazing out the window while doing a voice over thinking of what she is excited or scared for on her way to the school. When we finally arrive at the school we will Cypress Bay High School as our setting high school. Our character will approach the school and we will try to accomplish a shot that encompasses the whole school from the top to the bottom to our character.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Piecing it together..
Woot woot, hey everyone, welcome back to another blog posts for the week! This week I have showed you guys a few visual things pertaining to the film opening, such as a logo and a storyboard, and now I wanted to show you guys a potential script and outline for the scenes and the film!
I am very excited to show you guys this bit because it is so great to watch the film opening getting pieced together through the different components of planning. One of the things that is so great and educational about this project is that it really showed me how much careful planning and thought process must go into making things for media; although this is just a film opening and for a school project, I still feel that I have learned and somewhat experienced the amount of background thinking is required in order to ensure your film is successful.
So without further adooo... here's our outline :)
The script part in the beginning of this scene is meant to showcase the inner thoughts of someone who is nervous and new as they approach their first new day of high school. We wanted to convey this idea for the film, so we thought the best way to do this was for the main character to be able to tell the audience directly how they feel; hence why she will be practicing what to say when she arrives at the school, followed by criticism, in front of her mirror.
I look forward to being able to film this scene, and hope that we will be able to capture what we plan to accomplish with this film opening!
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Hey there! It's another blog post day and today you're going to get a very cool sneak peak of what our film opening is going to look like through a storyboard!! It has been crazy to discuss these ideas with my partner Emi and see her convey our ideas onto paper (huge shout out to her for her drawing skills:))
Making this storyboard has allowed for us to be able to organize our thoughts, and for us to be able to see our future film opening on paper is insanely cool. Thinking of what camera angles and what shots would look best for the scenes as we go through the opening was the main goal of making a storyboard, so when we go to film things will be able to run as smoothly as possible.
Anywayy, I hope you guys enjoyed viewing the storyboard for this future production, and I look forward to getting to film these shots as we continue to think of more ideas to better our film. See ya guys later!
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Hey guys, thanks for tuning into another one of my blog posts for this week! For this post I wanted to show you guys something a bit more visual that was made for my partner and I to display our movie along with our names. Soooo..::
This is the logo and design we'd use when beginning to promote our production. So, clearly displayed, we can view the title of the movie and underneath it the 'production company' that are making the movie. Just by including the movie title in the middle in big letters, the film will already be getting buzz. This logo actually displays a lot about the potential film, without actually having to show clips or images from the film.
Our film is going to center around a teen girl getting ready to go onto high school and conquer getting to know everyone and getting over her first day jitters. The title of the movie already hints at this since it is called "The Stupid, Brave New World", but the logo and color of it also reveal a lot, and can help us to attract our target audience to this movie. Pink is often associated with feminine things and girls, so by making our logo pink it can be inferred that the film will most likely center around a character that is a girl; also, the largest fraction of coming-of-age film watchers are mostly girls in their teen ages, so having a pink poster may attract them even more and create better buzz for our potential film. However, we are not aiming this film just towards teen girls, it can be applied to anyone who can relate to the nervousness surrounding having to adapt to new situations and that fear. The font used on the logo also helps to make the movie seem more approachable; by using a light-hearted, simple kind of font it signals to the audience that they are going to watch something that will most likely make them feel good after watching, as opposed to a movie poster promoting a creepy movie, it would most likely include primarily dark colors and a chilling font for the writing; this is quite the opposite for our movie logo.
Well that's all for today, but was very excited to show you guys this displaying our film name and production company, I can't wait to show more things that are very exciting and make this movie seem like something that is slowly but surely becoming a reality!
Stupid, Brave New Film Opening!
The end of the journey of me creating this film opening has finally come to a close, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating...
Hi guys and welcome back to another blog post by me! Filming has officially concluded, and I think we did quite well! I have to a...
Hey there! It's another blog post day and today you're going to get a very cool sneak peak of what our film opening is going t...
So now that we have all the shots for our film, it' just a matter of putting it all together! Emi, my partner sent from heaven, h...